Friday, February 4, 2011

Fine Lines and Another Move.

I’m not sure about what the “blog etiquette” rules are on how often you should post. I hear that if you are a fabulous person you can post up to one time per day and people still love you. If this is true, then I imagine I should blog every 7-10 days or so, maybe that's pushing it. The thing is, I’m pretty sure there is a fine line between Blog and Blaaaahhhh-ugh (it’s all in the pronunciation). But don’t get your hopes up… I cross fine lines all the time. It’s like the difference between a healthy sense of fear, and a healthy sense of fun. A healthy sense of Fear is the voice in your head that says “I shouldn’t do what I’m about to do because I might die” and it is Fear’s emulous foe (Fun) that says “If I don’t do what I’m about to do, I’ll die... of boredom.” Either way, you’re taking a risk. It’s a balancing act really, which can also be dangerous... but fun.

Speaking of balancing (this really has nothing to with balancing, I just felt like saying that), today is moving day at our house. Officially, as of 3.5 minutes ago, all of our belongings are on their way to Germany (except for the suitcases which we are probably going to be living out of for the next 1-2, or maybe 10 weeks. We’re in the Military… need I say more?). I really don’t mind living out of a suitcase, but the entire experience depends on what mood you just happened to be in when you packed for it. I hate it when I get somewhere for a two week stay and I open up my bag to find that I have 8 different black t-shirts, 3 pairs jeans and a nasty set of worn out chucks to choose from. Seriously, you can only get so creative with 8 black shirts. Even if you turn them inside out, they look pretty much the same (except for the tag sticking out- which can be a lot of fun in itself. It’s amazing how many people will ask you if noticed your shirt was inside out. It’s quite funny really, but at the end of the day, the joke is on you…). Or, the opposite predicament can happen when the only casual item you can find in your entire suitcase is your toothbrush. That’s when you end up wearing 5 inch, sexy, high heels to an out-door picnic. And let me tell you this, there is NOTHING quite like wearing 5” heels in grass and trying to look at least half mentally stable (let alone sexy). While everyone else is walking around comfortably and having a grand time in the carefree sunshine, you’re prancing in slow motion like a rigid dinosaur (you know the pose; knees bent forward, butt-sticking out, hands floating in front of you in search of stability and shifty eyes as you look around to see if anyone else noticed the violent looking trail of disaster, deep gouges and craters your worthless heels left in the grass behind you. All the while, you’re morphing from a sleek six-feet tall to a fumbling five-foot-seven with every… single.. awkward… step… you..take.). This is an example of a rare occasion when the time old quote “Fashion Over Function” has a purpose-defeating, negative effect on the social benefits of wearing terrible shoes just to look hot. There is a difference between looking hot and just getting a lot of people to look at you… another fine line.

Back to moving. I’ve decided that packing is much more fun when you just don’t do it. Kind of like surgery. It’s cool and interesting… provided you’re not the one getting it. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried to will the house (apartment actually) to organize and sort itself with my Jedi mind tricks (they don’t work at all by the way. Star Wars is a load of crap.), the only thing I accomplished was true procrastination. Which isn’t as impressive as it may sound, seeing how that is a skill that comes quite naturally to me and does not need to be further perfected. So yesterday morning, it became apparent that I could no longer procrastinate and I got to work on the project. I packed, moved, and organized everything into neat piles in different rooms and then decided that I should probably take a nap (at 3:30 this morning). 4.5 hours later the movers came and took it all away. I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t the most awesome thing I’ve ever done. But on the bright side, (umm, I can’t think of anything to put there, so… yeah, I’m just going to leave it blank you and can insert whatever you want to)…

But really? The rest of the day is looking nice. I’m going to finish cleaning, SLEEP?, eat too many rice cakes, run some errands, find a hotel, and then maybe my husband and I will go say goodbye to our neighbors that we’ve never met/or seen before. Maybe we’ll bring them some flowers and a thank you card and tell them we are really going to miss them because they have been such wonderful neighbors and friends all these months. Maybe I’ll even cry a little when I tell them that I’ll never forget them. It would be hilarious. 


  1. boo to the moving! another adventure coming your way. It is too sad to think about, so I won't. Maybe, by the time you get back, I will have accepted the fact, but until then, you are living down the street from me.
    that doesn't make much sense, but oh well. Much loves to both of you.... always and forever (said to the tune from the wedding song from Napoleon Dynamite)

  2. You're a clever writer. Very nice.

  3. If you were in a mood when you packed I happen to have a closet full of new clothes I'm quite positive will fit you :)

    Sorry I'm lame...

    Tomorrow (or today depending on when you read this) you should call me. I'm staying up too late reading boring stuff and plan to do something half-way entertaining tomorrow. Unless the responsible me takes over...


  4. Hey!! So glad you started a blog and I can keep up with your exciting life! :) It will be fun to hear how your adventures in Germany go!

  5. Reaction to this post: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You are adorable darling. I ruv roo!

  6. your sense of humor cracks me up. very good job on the descriptions. i can imagine the aerating (spelling?) that went on with those 5 inch heels :) some people would pay for that. maybe look into that. who wouldn't pay a hot chick to come and walk on their grass with her heels and aerate for them. peoples lawns in germany are much samller. . . . so actually you could do many lawns in a day :) yeah for your blog!

  7. Chrystallynn, I found your blog. Yeah! So Germany, another adventure... enjoy. I'll have to keep tabs. Saydee asked about you the other day. Just know you're missed.
